Social media love and like reactions
Social media love and like reactions

Socials Guidelines

email your submissions to

dm on Instagram or TikTok


Video Reviews

One 30-60 second book review is worth 1 hour of community service. There are no limits on the amount of video reviews you can submit. All submissions should include your name, school, and grade - it will be featured on the Teen Zone social media pages.

(You may choose to be an anonymous guest. Please let us know if you want to conceal your identity online when submitting. We need your personal information to record your service credit only)

How To Write A One Minute Review:

5-8 sentences long is plenty. 150 words is best – over 200 and you’d have to be a speed reader to get through it in one minute. In your review, include:

  1. Title and Author
  2. Genre & Quick Plot Summary
    1. Why did you decide to read this book?
      1. Pretty Cover
      2. Cool Description
      3. Recommendation (Friend, Librarian, Teacher, Bookstagram/BookTok)
  3. Opinion & Star Rating

1/2 star = so bad you couldn’t even finish it.

1 star = you really didn’t like it & wish you hadn’t wasted your time.

2 stars = meh, you’ve read better.

3 stars = a good book.

4 stars = a great book.

5 stars = reserved utterly AMAZING. Try not to overuse.

4. Who would you recommend the book to?

BookFace Photos

5 photo submissions are worth 30 minutes of community service. There are no limits on the amount of photos you can submit. All submissions should include your name, school and grade - it will be featured on the Teen Zone social media pages.

(You may choose to be an anonymous guest. Please let us know if you want to conceal your identity online when submitting. We need your personal information to record your service credit only)

What is a ‘bookface’?

A bookface involves strategically lining up your face or another body part alongside a book cover that features a matching body part so that there appears to be a melding of life and book art. Use yourself, a friend, family member, or pet for your photos. Search #bookface for inspo

To make one:

  1. Choose a visually appealing book cover.
  2. Capture the face or body at just the right angle.
  3. Line up shoulders/arms/appendages at the matching angles. You’ll also want to pay attention to scale and line up the distance of the book and subject so it is accurate. This sometimes takes a third person’s assistance (a subject, a photographer, and someone holding the book).
  4. Take the photo

Social media love and like reactions
Social media love and like reactions