
Take & Make Projects

Library-Wide Donation Drives

Trivia for a Cause

Use your phone or a library computer for good! Make a free account at Freerice. Join ​Westbury Library Teens by entering the group code: US23W5ZN. Answer the trivia ​questions for the category of your choice to earn donations to the US World Food ​Programme. Show a librarian your badge earned for playing 30, 60, or 120 minutes in ​a row to earn that amount of community service. Earn up to 2 hours of community ​service per week.

Craft Class Set of Objects

DIY Volunteer Kits

Complete a service project to benefit a local or national organization according to ​the guidelines provided. You do not need to complete the kit at the library and can ​be taken home and completed at a later date prior to the submission deadline of the ​kit. Each monthly kit is available while supplies last. Please visit the Teen Zone ​weekdays, 2pm - 5pm (Jul/Aug 11am-3pm)to claim a kit.

Handdrawn Donation Box

Library Drives

Donation Box and a Hearts

Participate in Library giving drives available throughout the year. Collections will ​vary. Please check the Library Newsletter for the most current donation drives. ​Donated items must be brought to the Teen Zone in bags labeled with the ​volunteer name, donation cause, items and quantity of items donated in order to ​receive service credit. Credit amounts per donated items vary depending on ​collections.