Cute baking sheet

Cookbook Guidelines

Do you love to cook or bake? Do you have a go-to snack that is unique or just really delicious? Share your recipes with us to help create a virtual teen cookbook and earn 30 minutes of community service per recipe submitted. Submit up to 4 per week.

Be sure to include:

  1. What is your first and last name and grade?
  2. Name of recipe
    • If this is someone else’s recipe be sure to tell us who
    • If this is a recipe found online, please be sure to include the link

3.Would this be considered a snack/appetizer, brunch, breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert?

4. What are all the ingredients with measurements or how many? Please list these out.

5. Step-by-step instructions, these should be numbered, and written in detail. Include cooking/baking times, if there is anything a teen should do first, etc.

6. A photo to of the food item to accompany your recipe

Please copy and paste these questions, your answers, and any links used to compile your recipe to

cooking pan with vegetables